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My New Union!! || Just Had McDonalds Breakfast || Xbox Live Account Up!

Alright So right to start of, Gotta get my New unions name out there!! So its called The Just Sports Union! If you don't like sports then your in luck cause I got the Non OnTopic Union:) BUT if you like sports feel free and Stop Bye :) We can talk about any sports! Baseball, Basketball, Football, Tennis, Soccer, Golf, Ping Pong, Pool Billards, Swimming, WHATEVER SPORT you wanna talk about we got it there :) Now if you stop by don't think it sucks cause I just got it up and running in the last like 3ish hours.. So its a work in progress;) Oh and We need a Banner and a Union Avatar. Anyone is bored and wanna whip something up for me that'd be Awesome!! We totally need that!

Whoa Guys, I just had McDonalds Breakfast. I haven't had that stuff in lets say somewhere between 3-4 years. Damn was I missin out! That **** is GOOD! haha Had Myself a Deluxe breakfast! 3 Hot Cakes, Biscust, Egg, Sasuage, HashBrown, and a Dr. Pepper to seal the deal. Damn was that good stuff! haha Any one here go to McDonalds Breakfast at all?

(Makes me just as hungry as before!)

So I'm Crashing at my friends this weekend and Ive been saving up 48 Hour Gold Membership passes. So I'm Gonna be on NBA 2K11 and on Halo Reach, maybe a little Modern Warfare II. If anybody wants to play some of those games hit me up just send me a friend request. ALSO Just passed 8000 GS on my Xbox Account! Sweet! haha I'm kinda crazy about trying to get all the achivements, But I never do get them all! haha there too damn hard!